Market Research Institute International

Market Research Courses

Courses for both new and experienced market research and insights practitioners mastering the full process of research.

AI in Focus: Market Researchers Weigh in on Workplace Impact for Today and Tomorrow

MRII's new report covers the impact of artificial intelligence from the researcher’s perspective—what they think about AI, the impact it is having on them, and their views about its future.

Upcoming Webinars

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Take your research skills to the next level.

Through a unique partnership with the University of Georgia, MRII offers the industry’s premier online market research courses designed to teach the fundamental skills needed to conduct robust and insightful market research. Authored and continually updated by industry subject matter experts, the courses are supported by and meet the certification requirements of industry associations worldwide.

Join the more than 9,000 researchers from 107 countries who have taken our courses.

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Apply for the MRII Diversity Award by May 31st!

The award covers the cost for a Principles Express, registration + a $1000 travel and lodging stipend for Insights Association’s CRC event, and recognition in industry channels!