Market Research Institute International

Education and Training

Continuing education and skills development resources for insights professionals and anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the market research, insights, and analytics sectors.

Insights & Innovators Podcast

We talk to today’s top experts and innovators to chart a path for the role, the research methods of tomorrow, and the growing importance of the researcher to business success.

MRII YouTube Channel

From emerging tools and trends like AI in market research to the required fundamentals for research education, we equip you with the skills needed to generate business-relevant insights.

For the Love of Learning: Career Development in a Changing Market Research Industry

Access the global study of Market Research professionals about their profession and how it is impacting work and career prospects, and how to keep up.


AI in Focus: Market Researchers Weigh in on Workplace Impact for Today and Tomorrow

MRII's new report covers the impact of AI from the researcher’s perspective—what they think about AI, the impact it is having on them, and their views about its future.

Upcoming Webinars

We are pleased to bring you free webinars each month on the hottest topics in our industry!

Take your market research expertise to the next level.

MRII offers a wide range of resources, including expert webinars, an educational YouTube channel and podcast, global and regional awards programs, and original research on critical insights industry topics. Our market-leading educational courses, presented together with the University of Georgia, are authored by leading research and insights practitioners, continually updated, and endorsed by major national and international professional and industry organizations. MRII believes that training and development is key to realizing the full potential and value of market research and insights, and to driving innovation within the sector. 

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MRII Data Analysis Award Applications NOW OPEN!

Announcing the new MRII Data Analysis Award, sponsored by Infotools Harmoni—enter for a chance to win $2,500 by showcasing your market research analysis skills using a global dataset, with runner-up prizes including a free online course. 

Registration closes November 1, and submissions are due by November 10, 2024—start today!